Outdoor Cooking and Open Fires
Portable and stationary barbecue pits shall be constructed of concrete or of a material designed for that purpose. Portable barbecue pits, charcoal grills, and other open-flame devices shall not be operated on balconies or located within 25 feet of any building, combustible structure, or air intake. Any open fire outside of a barbecue pit or commercially made fire pit will require a City of Houston permit. Contact EHS for further information.
Disposal of Ash and Coals
Hot ash and coals from barbecue pits and charcoal burners should not be disposed of in any trash receptacle or dumpster. All coals and ash from outdoor cooking appliances shall be placed in a non-combustible container such as a metal drum. Coal should be cooled thoroughly or saturated with water prior to disposal. Environmental Health and Safety can provide a metal drum for this purpose, with advanced notice. Please contact EHS to make arrangements.