Laboratory Inspections
Rice University Environmental Health and Safety Department conducts regularly scheduled laboratory inspection for compliance on all federal, state, local, and university policies and regulations. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to ensure continued adherence to all applicable regulations and generally acceptable lab practices. Any finding identified during the inspection or noticed throughout the year will be address in a timely manner.
PIs will be contacted by EHS staff when it is time for their inspection. If the PI does not respond within 30 days to schedule the inspection, the lab manager or safety contact identified in Bioraft will be contacted and EHS staff will visit the laboratory. The chair of the department will be contacted if EHS staff is unsuccessful in reaching the PI or their designee.
Environmental Health and Safety Annual Inspection Checklist
Environmental Health and Safety Annual Biosafety Inspection Checklist
Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Management of Chemical Hazards
EHS Inspection System
EHS uses the lab management software Bioraft to perform and manage laboratory inspections. You can view inspections and respond to findings. at